Friends of Istituto Bruno Leoni is a non-profit organization based in the United States. Friends of IBL helps with the co-ordination of the fund-raising operations of Istituto Bruno Leoni in the United States and in the organization of the events and research efforts of the Institute.

Friends of IBL is managed by a 5-person Board of Trustees: James P. Lucier, Federico G.M. Mennella, Robert McDowell, Galeazzo Scarampi, and Pierluigi Zappacosta (Chairman)).

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Istituto Bruno Leoni

Istituto Bruno Leoni is the Italian free-market think tank. Its mission is to spread the ideas of markets and free initiative, and to promote a more knowledgeable and informed public debate. Our Institute is supported by private grants, donations, and the sponsorship of its production (studies, events). IBL is independent from any political party. IBL operates with a small, dedicated staff of 9 and is supported by 9 Research Fellows and some 20 contributing Fellows. The Institute is administered by a Board of Directors and advised by a Steering Board.A brief overview of IBL’s efforts in 2024 is available here

Media and Publications

In addition to its regular presence on national media (op-eds published on the main Italian newspapers, radio- and TV-interviews, etc.) IBL publishes books and original research papers. To date, since 2003 we have published some 580 papers, 250 books (by IBL Libri, our in-house publishing house) and some 60 books with other publishers. The eight books series published by IBL Libri offer titles in paperback, e-book and audiobook format and range from public policy studies, political and social science essays, and overviews of the work of lesser-known writers.

IBL nelle Scuole

In 2014 IBL has launched the “IBL in Schools” program, offering basic economics lectures to high schools in Italy. Our lectures are available as pre-recorded videos, online webinars or in-person lectures. The whole package is offered free of charge to schools. Our IBL nelle Scuole program is virtually unique in Europe.